Honduras United States and the Central American Crisis

Honduras Country Studies index

Honduras - United States and the Central American Crisis

United states and the central american crisis

President Suazo C�rdova assumed office at a time of extreme political ferment in Central America. The United States government was seeking to halt or roll back the advances of what it considered to be pro-Soviet forces on the isthmus. The leftist insurgency launched by the Farabundo Mart� National Liberation Front (Frente Farabundo Mart� de Liberaci�n Nacional--FMLN) in El Salvador had been underway for some two years, and the outcome of the struggle in that country was in doubt. In Nicaragua, the FSLN--with close ties to Cuba, the Soviet Union, and other communist states--ruled repressively and continued a military buildup unprecedented for the region. Honduras--a country poor in resources, lacking in democratic traditions, and strategically located between these two revolutionary governments--almost inexorably drew the attention and involvement of Washington.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

Central American crisis - Wikipedia
The United States, Honduras, and the crisis in Central America
The United States, Honduras, and the Crisis in Central America
The United States, Honduras, And The Crisis In Central
The United States, Honduras, and the crisis in Central

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