Germany Land and Local Governments

Germany Country Studies index

Germany - Land and Local Governments

More about the Economy of Germany.

The L�nder do not always act and think alike. Different old L�nder have followed different economic policies since the early years of the Federal Republic. On the one hand, the minister presidents, or heads, of two L�nder , Bavaria and Baden-W�rttemberg, have stressed industrial development policies that have departed radically from those of others, putting their L�nder into the forefront of German technological development. On the other hand, the L�nder of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Saarland for a long time concentrated their resources on subsidizing coal and steel production, entering the competition for new industries much later than other L�nder . The possibility for creating separate Land policies has also encouraged some new L�nder to try their own development policies. They have invited potential investors from other countries to visit them, and they have engaged in export promotion.

Land and local governments

Because Germany has a federal system, state (Land ; pl., L�nder ) and local governments also have important functions. This reflects the German tradition, which before Hitler combined a mix of national, Land , and local structures with carefully defined and deliberately circumscribed powers. Land and even local authorities are involved in many economic functions, such as social services, development and energy policy, education (including vocational training), public housing, environmental protection, and industrial policy. They also share certain tax revenues that are centrally collected but distributed among the central, Land , and local authorities in accordance with carefully negotiated ratios that were changed after unification slightly to the advantage of the new eastern L�nder .

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

Local government in Germany - Simple English Wikipedia
States of Germany - Wikipedia
City Mayors: Local government in Germany
� Local Government Administration in Germany German Law - Germany - Land and Local Government

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