Angola The National Front for the Liberation of Angola

Angola Country Studies index

Angola - The National Front for the Liberation of Angola

The national front for the liberation of angola

The FNLA was founded in 1954 as the Union of Peoples of Northern Angola (Uni�o das Popula��es do Norte de Angola -- UPNA). Founded to advance the interests of the Bakongo rather than to promote independence, the UPNA petitioned the UN in 1957 for restoration of the Kongo Kingdom, an objective shared by the Alliance of Bakongo (Alliance des Bakongo--Abako) in the Belgian Congo. Because of important ties to the Bakongo in the Belgian colony and because of the difficulties of operating in Angola, the UPNA was based in L�opoldville (present-day Kinshasa, capital of Zaire). In 1958, acknowledging the futility of its quest, the UPNA adopted the title Union of Angolan Peoples (Un�o das Popula��es de Angola -- UPA) and the aim of independence for all of Angola.

You can read more regarding this subject on the following websites:

National Liberation Front of Angola - Wikipedia
National Front for the Liberation of Angola | political
National Front for the Liberation of Angola - Revolvy
FNLA - National Front for the Liberation of Angola
National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA

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